Steering and bearing compasses
Rochefort - Hôtel de Cheusses/Arsenal
Compasses are essential for navigation. Although several types exist, the best-known is the steering compass, which keeps the ship on course. As well as testifying to the instruments used to get one’s bearings at sea, these compasses go to show that Rochefort boasted manufacturers able to design such navigation instruments.
Compasses for navigation

Compasses were essential to navigation. There might be fifteen or more on board a vessel. They were suspended in a double box, oscillating with the ship’s motion and staying horizontal. There are several types.
Getting your bearings at sea
The best-known is the steering compass, which is used to keep the ship on course by pointing north. Manufactured in Rochefort in the early 19th century, this steering compass is decorated with a rose graduated in degrees, on which cardinal and intercardinal points are marked. North is marked by a fleur-de-lys. The steering compass could be complemented by a device enabling its user to take visual bearings of other ships and seamarks: the bearing compass.
Knowledge and knowhow in Rochefort
In addition to testifying to the instruments used in the early 19th century to get one’s bearings at sea, these compasses deal us a good deal about technological knowledge in the shipyard and go to show that Rochefort boasted manufacturers able to design such navigation instruments. These two compasses bear the name of their manufacturer, “Gautrau à Rochefort” and the years 1809 to 1816.
Collection highlight
The essential works to see during your visit to the Musée national de la Marine in Brest, Port-Louis, Rochefort, Toulon, and soon in Paris.